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OCR01636 - Final Fantasy VII "JENOVA Celestial"


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The production is impeccable. The soundscape is amazingly full, and the synths (particulary the high-end ones) are both constructed and EQed to have a very heavenly, bright feel. Honestly though, I wish there were more unique arrangement of the source. It sounds like very generic, repetitive trance, especially when compared to some of bLiNd's other stuff, even as far back as Meteorave.

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Having (unfortunately) never heard the original, I can't comment on its relevance to the original or whatever, but here goes:

When I mentally dissect this song, I find that bLiNd has interwoven several melodies together, besides the main one, to create a stellar atmospheric trance number. The synth sounds are very well chosen and give this piece a very euphoric feel. Nothing is out of place--each sound that comes in only strengthens the song. Nothing gets old and nothing clashes--a great feat to accomplish in an electronic song. Key changes are simple, but well executed (are those in the original too?). The supporting arpeggios perfectly complement the main melody, and the sounds chosen are the exact right ones.

Overall this is my absolute favorite song on the FFVII album, with good reason. The style just plain WORKS with the melody and tune, and even more so by the fact that it's so well executed.

Sorry for the somewhat disorganized post, but those are my thoughts for ya.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

This is hot! And not just backup dancers on a music video hot. I mean more like back up dancers on the surface of Mercury hot.

If anyone tells me they dislike or god forbid LOATHE trance music, this is the track I'm going to give them to broaden their tastes. Quite an achievement, but then again, this is bLiNd we're talking about here. He's been doing these amazing pieces for years. And we're all the better for it.

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  • 6 months later...

We're all aware that JENOVA is one of the most heavily remixed tracks from the FF VII OST. With so many remixes it's hard to distinguish one cut from another. This track, however, shines like a supernova, leaving an unforgettable impression on the listener from beginning to end. If Blind were a newcomer we could throw in a cheesy joke about "a new star being born" (though supernovae are actually the opposite), but given your long history of solid mixing, we'll decide better of it.

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  • 5 months later...

Whenever I think Jenova, I think of this. Especially during the intro, I see stars exploding whenever I listen to this.

If someone took the most romanticized version of stars and outer space and distilled it into a song, this would be very, very close to that.

This is definitely one of my favorite Final Fantasy 7 mixes, and I highly recommend it.

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  • 6 months later...

I've always thought that jenovas theme has been slightly overrated (I've always found it boring for some reason) and from a personal taste stand point, this remix didn't quite fix this problem for me :(

However, this remix is pretty much in the realms of untouchable from the word go - the production is flawless, and really gives this remix an unparalleled power that really brings it to fantastic heights.

That said, I still find the arrangement of the source slightly boring (but like I said I think its a source dislike so no discredit to blind)

Not his best work imo, but it is probably his most identifiable mix, and for my money the essential jenova remix, which is saying something as their are so many.

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