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OCR01356 - Final Fantasy VI "Seized with Fury"


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Totally awesome song.. and yeah.. at 2:35ish.. I hear a bit of Vampire killer :) awesome cameo or whatever you call it.

I believe it's called "quoting." I also thought I heard suggestions of Castlevania at other parts of the soloing. I'm sure that these subtler quotations weren't intentional on the part of this artist and are actually integrated portions of his improvisational style. I find myself inserting Castlevania in my guitar riffs from time to time as well. They're powerful, dark lines, and my subconscious likes to bring them out whenever I'm in that kind of musical situation.

The guitar work in this remix demonstrates lyrical ability AND technical prowess. I applaud the remixer for not simply ripping through the piece in a flurry of mindless high speed 16th notes. It shows maturity and sensitivity, even in a "harder" genre. It also allows for us to pick up on the artist's creativity.

I think this remixer is on the right track. I would just say that some of the guitar patches were a little hollow, especially the clean, reverb-laden one toward the end. It doesn't fit and perhaps could be mixed/mastered better as well. That's really just a recording issue, and therefore skirting the edge of my expertise.

All in all, a good example of guitar work on OCR.

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Definitely one of those mixes with fanservice - tons of fun to listen to, especially near the end when things get climactic. I was afraid that a heavy guitar mix of this boss song (Decisive Battle?) from the game would sound similiar to SSH's version - but this one manages to totally craft it's own tone, pace and structure. Very well done - you have me awaiting more from you in the future. 8)

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Fantastic! As the judges said, the first part (up to 1:33) is what a lot of people really aspire to do and it's just not enough. Your arrangement of the song, especially in the switch to the Atma's theme, is so musically advanced that not many remixers on this site could get that right.

I applaud your terrific arrangement and your exceptional guitar work. I think that being able to add more than a metal edge to the songs (which the decisive battle attempted to sound like anyway) gives it a very Maiden feel, which is no less than awesome. Love the acoustic switch at 4:50!!

Very well done, man. Keep it up and I'll be looking for your stuff in the future.

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Yes! that was essentially the idea. I believe you're the first person to mention that, and this track has been out for almost two months. The only boss you fight on the phantom train (ie. the train itself) would not make such a sound, but I liked the idea too much to not use it.

Thanks for the comments, my friends!


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Yeah, the first minute and a half or so disappointed me. It was basically like hearing the track from the game itself if it had been released for playstation instead. It was when it shifted into this new section that I stopped what I was doing and started listening seriously. I was ready to crap myself at how quickly it went from "okay cover" to "holy shit, this is awesome."

Really, after listening to it a couple times, I actually kind of prefer the cover sounding part to be there at the beginning. It's like he's saying, "Hey, this is what you know. Now here's what I'm going to do with it to make it cooler." And it totally works for me.

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I still like the rendition by the Black Mages more. Maybe because it's bit too long, some parts didn't hold my interest long enough. But it's definitely impressive guitar play. Thumbs up and congratulations with the first place. That was an awesome month. I hope you have something in store for us in the Konami month. I look forward to it. :D

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I personally felt that the first part of the song - the "cover" - was more impressive than the original material after the intro, since it clearly lacks the intensity of the original song. It picks up after the half-way point into the song, and the Atma rendition is well-done. If the wind-ups and transitions were a bit more intense, I'd call this a great remix. As it is, I'll just call it a good remix.

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