The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

Song: "Ballad of the Wind Fish (Shore Ver.)"

From The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Nintendo, 1993, GB)

Type Unknown, AKA Ballad of the Wind Fish (Shore Version)

Music by Kazumi Totaka, Koji Kondo, Kozue Ishikawa, Minako Hamano

Composer Images
Kazumi TotakaKoji KondoKozue IshikawaMinako Hamano
Game Boy

  • Name: The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening "Ballad of the Wind Fish (Shore Ver.)"
  • OST Name: Ballad of the Wind Fish (Shore Ver.), かぜのさかなのうた (海岸 Ver.)
  • Aliases: Ballad of the Wind Fish (Shore Version)