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*NO* Skies of Arcadia 'The Journey of the Delphinus'


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Remixer Info:

Name: Electric Concerto

E-Mail: djeconcerto@gmail.com

Website: http://www.e-concerto.net

Song Info:

Game: Skies of Arcadia

Original Song: Overworld (With airship Delphinus)

Additional Info: Sega of America, Sega Dreamcast/Nintendo Gamegube

Original MP3:

Remix Info:

Name: The Journey of the Delphinus


Comments: It's Eurodance meets Classical.


~Electric Concerto


Eternal Arcadia Original Sound Track - (209) "Delphinus (Nasr ~ Montezuma ~ Valua ~ Yafutoma ~ Lands of Ice ~ Shrine Island)"

Pretty standard orchestral opening, only to suddenly meet some dance synths at :13. They don't really integrate well early on, but we'll see how it goes. Wait, at :27, the electrosynths are really bland, thin, and overly upfront.

Bah, that cymbal transition at 2:30 decayed way too abruptly; made it sound like the sound unceremoniously cut off. It's those little touches that count sometimes.

Cool idea for the ethnic-style percussion at 2:58, inspired by the drums that joined in at 2:00 of the source tune; nice touch conceptually, though they ended up looping too much.

Track finally filled out substantially at 3:11, though the parts need to be better separated; right now, everything sounds a bit distant and somewhat bleeds together.

The arrangement's decent conceptually, but the execution and polish is really lacking. Where's the beef, homey? The various sounds, orchestral or electronic, being thin was a recurring issue. The bass kicks fill their role, but the rest of the track needs to be fleshed out. The orchestral elements are pretty quiet, flimsy (layer 'em up), and subordinate to the electronic stuff; not sure if that was on purpose, but it doesn't create an effective texture or synergy with all the sounds IMO.

Production-wise, it needs a lot of work, but it could be a learning experience seeing how much you could pick up while attempting to improve this. Use the ReMixing and WIP forums to get more feedback.


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  • 4 weeks later...

K, i've compared this to the source. Here are my thoughts...

You don't really do much as far as arranging the melody, harmony, or structure of the original piece. The most substantive additions are the supporting elements of the track, i.e the backing synths, bass, percussion, etc. Conceptually these are done well, and I can tell a lot of time and effort went into this.

As Larry mentioned, the production could use a little work. I wasn't as off-put by it, but I can definetly see some room for improvement. For example, the drum fill at 0:53 sounds weird, and sticks out of the soundfield like a sore thumb. At 2:25, the lead synths are just SCREAMING, and aren't supported by the bass very well. These are just a few examples of where a little more attention to detail could have improved the overall presentation of the mix.

If the arrangement was really slick and innovative, I could see myself passing this. As it stands, though, its a pretty safe trance adaptation. The combination of arrangement and production doesn't put this in YES territory, as far as I'm concerned.

This isn't bad though.


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