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OCR01696 - *YES* Final Fantasy 7 'Yet Even More Fighting'


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* Your ReMixer name - Kidd Cabbage

* Your real name - Jonathan Peros

* Your email address - jdperos@hotmail.com

* Your website - http://kiddcabbage.scott-bloom.com

* Your userid (number, not name) on our forums, found by viewing your forum profile - 21995

* Name of game(s) ReMixed - Final Fantasy 7

* Name of individual song(s) ReMixed - "Hurry, Faster!", "Fighting", "Crazy Motorcycle", and "Bombing Mission"

Well, this is my first submission to OCR, although not my first videogame remix by a long shot. Most of my mixes are too big to be able to submit to the site. This is also the first mix that I'm confident enough in to submit. I started a game of FF7 pretty recently, and for some of the songs, just thought, "I could make some of these songs pretty rocking." It's a pretty hectic mix done heavy metal, that medlies a handful of my favorite songs from FF7, and I think they transitioned stylistically pretty well. The mix was actually done in a pretty short amount of time compared to some of my older mixes, especially the mixing process - switched to a new drumkit that I'm very happy with. The song is titled "Yet Even More Fighting", and if you're familiar with the soundtrack names, you'll get the joke. I hope you guys enjoy the song, and any comments are very gladly accepted.


http://tzone.org/~llin/psf/packs2/FF7_psf.rar - 408 "Hurry, Faster!", 110 "Fighting", 122 "Crazy Motorcycle" & 102 "Opening - Bombing Mission"

Production-wise everything sounded on the distant side on headphones; clean sounds, but like they're coming from a few feet away, not sure why that was. Could be a lack of higher frequencies, but I'll leave it to the other Js to hone in on. Wouldn't mind a refurbished version, but at the end of the day I can live with it.

The guitar work and synths could also stand to have more of an edge to them. The way they sound now tends to undermine a lot of the embellishments and flair in the arrangement. norg & SnappleMan's recent "Full Frontal Assault" is a great example of a similar style being pulled off with more polish and power. I'm sure either one them could offer great comments on how to take this to the next level.

That being said, I thought the arrangement was clicking nicely for the most part. The resolution at 3:17 was confusing if anything; didn't really make any sense. Is that just what I'm hearing? Regardless, tons of personalization and original instrumentation ideas to really make this your own unique medley of these themes. On the whole, well-executed.

Props on winning DoD's September Free Month, Jon. Certainly hope to hear more from you there as well as over here. Good luck with the rest of the vote.


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I can see where Larry is coming from on the 'distant' thing - the guitars and drums are ultra-close and huge, while some of the backing parts are heavily reverbed and thus sound unusually distant (eg. :11). Not really a big deal though as the important stuff is up front, but I would try to level out the reverb among your different parts, some just seem to have too much, while others are very dry. I also think the compression here is excessive. The exposed, super-compressed guitar (eg. at :39) sounds like its clipping - very digital, nasty distortion IMO. I would have cut back on the maximization slightly, for sure.

Despite having run an entire FF7 project, I can still appreciate the arrangement ideas here. Very nice integration of all the different themes, excellent performances, original additions, and so forth and so on. Much like norg & SnappleMan's "Full Frontal Assault" from the VotL project, this remix is an excellent example of how you can do a high-octane rock/metal track while not being coverish at all. Really my only complaints are with regards to the production; to reiterate, too much reverb on some of the parts (some of the synths), and too much compression. However these are not significant enough issues to merit a no.


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frankly, I'm amazed that you managed to get this to sound as clean as you did what with the volume being so loud combined with the reverb. I mean, dang, this is really loud. Like, really loud.

I just saw Beowulf the other day, and this is just like Grendal's eardrum going balistic at the softest of noises.

At any rate, this does a solid job of incorporating all the themes tastefully, and it's a great performance. The mastering could be better, but as Larry said, I won't mind if this goes up as-is.

Nice work!


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Nice energy here! It's a pretty in-your-face mix, and the adaptations of the songs are all different. Restless is a good word for this mix, because it barely stays on any one part for more than ten seconds. I don't mean that in a negative sense though - one still gets the feeling of direction.

Things are cluttered, for sure. A lot of those background synths are drowning in reverb, the drums and cymbals sound lossy when they get louder, and that clipping at 0:39 is unmistakable. If that clipping lasted for more than that one second, it would probably make this mix a no. The song also cuts before the cymbal fades out. The mixing problems are more forgivable in a song with so much distortion already though. And echoing BGC, I'm very impressed how clearly you can hear the individual elements at that volume. In the end, while there is certainly room for improvement, I think this one is good enough as is.


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