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OCR01114 - Dance Dance Revolution 4th Mix "4F73R M3"


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I completely agree with DJP when I say this mix is "Godd stuff"!

Seriously though, I think this mix rocks a lot more than some of SGX's mixes, which are awesome in their own different way. Any speak-and-spell uses makes me smile, and this mix as a whole has me grinning ear to ear. Great ReMix!

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This has been a regular on my playlist since it was originally posted in the WIP forum, and I have been actively watching the "Judges Decisions" forum for this song ever since, probably more eagerly than SGX himself! And then I've heard his 2nd DDR mix that I can only assume he has also submitted... I will be eagerly awaiting that as well.

It's only fair for me to say that when he was originally posting this as a work in progress, I had a few issues with his rapping at one or two points, and those issues are still in effect. The beginning few lines have some "flow" issues, where the words aren't driving enough... there are stuttering hesitations that I wish could have been smoothed out a bit. But besides that... this is great.

Way to go SGX, looking forewards to seeing "A" on OCR too! Here's to your continued success in all that you attempt to accomplish!

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living in japan, it's pretty easy to find video games such as dance dance revolution, pop'n music, and guitar freaks, drum mania and beatmania.

actually "easy to find" should be replaced with "impossible to miss!".

likewise can be said for their soundtracks. you can go to any store that sells music, and find a song from your favorite dance/beat related video game.

oddly enough, this so-called "video game music" isn't made just for the game.

for instance, in beatmania 4, you can find a good song titled "the race" by an artist known as captain jack.

captain jack doesn't make video game music.

he makes dance music.

i have 2 of his cds.

basically, this is a remix of a real dance song here in japan.

i don't think this blurs the line.

i think it crosses it completely.

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OMFG I love this song....this is prolly the greatest interpretation of this song that could ever be done....i cant wait til i see another one....that voice is almost haunting.....and the speakan spell was a nice addition too....this rocks....I jsut pulled out my PS1 (dont tell nintendo i sold out) and started playin DDR again....what a song....

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I'm pretty sure this song was first introduced on DDR 4th mix.

I agree with the guy that can't wait for the "A" remix by the same person. This one has a good piano thing going for it at the beginning, but I think the rest is pretty repetitive, looking at the different sections the original has that this mix goes into with different samples, the tempo change, and different lyrics (besides some other little nuances) as the only variations. At least, that's what I hear when I listen, being a long listener of the original. Definitely has more variations than what I'm saying.

If this made it, I now fully expect the aforementioned "A" mix from Beatmania IIDX 7th Style (a series being DDR's grandaddy) to be posted sometime. There are way more liberties taken there. The original B4U also plays on 6th Style IIDX, but that was after it was on DDR 4th mix.


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Pity that step file (posted above) is for Heavy difficulty only (I'd even hazard it's CHALLENGE difficulty)... I can only do about 6, sometimes 7 step dances, which mostly rests in the Standard difficulty level. Sometimes I think that stepfile makers forget that people still exist who aren't gods at the game yet...

I suppose sincee I'm complaining, I should go and make my own steps for standard and light mode... foo. Hope I can manage something...

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Allowing this mix might just open the flood gates to the DDR portion of the site. =P All of Naoki's stuff is Konami original, and it's gonna be interesting to see what goes down. But anyway, I am listening to the mix right now and it's really, really good. I wouldn't be surprised if I found this mix on StepMania/DWI within a week.

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There is something wonderful about hanging out with your friends at a bad pizza joint in suburban maryland and crowding around the DDR machine, watching two friends duke it out for almost an hour. I might suck at DDR but the energy of the game is dispersed around to the spectators as well, which is why it is so fun and so popular. The music of DDR is filled with energy and fun.

That much said, I love SGX's mixes. As for MC's piano at the beginning of this mix, it is cold as ice, beautiful and fills the time in perfectly leading up to the song, which i have to say, is pretty damn cool.

SGX's lyrics fit the hard beat perfectly. The song itself is a perfect DDR mix. I cant say much against this. My personal favorite part being :20, when the main song comes in.

Great work. This will be on my playlist for some time.

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I liked this song, never expected anyone to remix DDR.

Although the rapping at the beggining was a slight bit choppy, and sometimes

too many channels at once, it still comes out sounding pretty professinal. Really a good piece of work, nice job :)

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This has been on mah playlist for a good 6 months now, and I still love it. I know all the lyrics and when I rap along, I make sure to sound as white as possible, to capture the feel SGX has. In all seriousness though, I really do love this mix and while I used to think there was too much distortion on the vocals, I've become accustomed to it and wouldn't have it any other way now. Real glad to finally see this on OCR.

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Ok man, I absolutely have to give you mad props for trying something as ballsy as this. For the atmosphere and tone of the remix (one of pure fun) it's perfect. Once again you have proven your talent. I look forward to your next remix. I have all of them so far, including the extended Save Me, which I regard as one of the greatest trance mixes ever.

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Hilarious remix, to the least. I loved the original B4U, so this was no exception either. The song is really uniquely mixed - I thought you couldn't make this kind of remixes from DDR songs, maybe because there hasn't been any around. Nevertheless, great stuff SGX!

Oh, about the remixing issue of who one can remix - here's a list of artists that you can (subject to change without notice, personal injuries for body and mind possible); 180, 190´, 200, 270, 290, .3k, Omega, Z, ZZ, Re-Venge / RevenG, De-Sire, 8-bit, 2MB, Naoki, Naoki Underground, mitsu-O! and Luv Unlimited. The list can go on longer, but my mind is numb, because I'm awake at a painstaking 9:30AM, but as far as I remember - all the Konami Originals are DDR-only songs, and what I give respect to -- all the artists listed earlier, plus a lot more, are done by the same person. 8)

Oops, sidetrack! Sorry.

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Okay, maybe I'm retarded, or maybe nobody else sees my point, but here it goes.

SGX, I commend you for opening the DDR floodgates. I have been waiting a while for somebody to remix a DDR song, and here it is.

Sadly, I'm dismayed by this mix. B4U is a "get up and dance" type song. It moves you. Even more so for the B4 Za Beat Mix. It's supposed to be fast and filled with energy! This mix needs tempo, I just can't enjoy that song unless it goes so fast.

Congratulations on being the first DDR mixer on OCR, but I just can't enjoy slow music :cry:

Am I the only one?

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I doubt you are, but I do not agree. Many of my favorite DDR songs are the slower ones. They're fun to dance to, and even more so to listen to. I must say I very much enjoy this mix of B4U, while I do agree that the original is very upbeat, this slower take is very elegant and very enjoyable to hear and to play.

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Hey all, if you want to run this song in a DDR sim (Stepmania or Dance With Intensity), you can grab the stepfile here: www.supergreenx.com/music/4F73R%20M3.zip Its also featured in www.flashflashrevolution.com .

SGX, I'm your biggest fangirl. I love this song, I even memorized the lyrics. I loved it ever since it was released on FFR, and then Arch0wl released the DWI for it for SM.

Great job man.

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Oh, about the remixing issue of who one can remix - here's a list of artists that you can (subject to change without notice, personal injuries for body and mind possible); 180, 190´, 200, 270, 290, .3k, Omega, Z, ZZ, Re-Venge / RevenG, De-Sire, 8-bit, 2MB, Naoki, Naoki Underground, mitsu-O! and Luv Unlimited.

Naoki Maeda = win (There's also KTZ, NM, and many other names he goes by. @.@ )

Anyway, I see this as not so much a song to play DDR to as a song to just listen to. Maybe it would be good as a credits theme or something, but other than that it probably strays farther from the original than any other DDR remix I've heard. This is a nice change.

Do an orion.78 remix! :D

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