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  1. I already checked out all the remixes on this site so don't throw in any of those... Yes... next time I will post 200 seperate threads. The remixers will pay more attention and the mods will love that too. And to say something without the intent of being a douche bag... I think there is a better likelihood of getting at least one of these songs remixed than if I was to make a single, specific request.
  2. This is basically a list of music I think that would make for some excellent remixes (Besides being good tunes in the first place). Many of them do not have any remixes on this site and for the ones that do, I think more are in order (;^D) . One more thing is that my taste is along the lines of [ techno / industrial / trance / classical ] and I was thinking of something along those lines when making this list. In essence, I'm saying that a jazz remix of most of these tracks wouldn't work very well... Super Mario RPG Battle with Culex 1st Battle with Smithy (where he looks like a diabolical Santa o_0) Major Boss Battle (i.e. Axem Rangers, Exor, etc.) Mini-Boss battle (i.e. Hammer Bros., Croco, etc.) [*]Chrono Trigger Battle with Lavos' 2nd form (Inside the shell) Final Battle with Lavos [*]Super Mario World Vanilla Dome Map Screen (Possibly good for a hip-hop type remix) Bowser's Valley Special Zone Star Road Ending credits [*]Donkey Kong Country Gangplank Galleon Cranky's Theme Funky's Fugue Fear Factory Forest Frenzy Treetop Rock [*]Donkey Kong Country 2 Battle with K.Rool Lost World Map Screen Ice Cave Level (i.e. Black Ice Battle) Jungle Level (i.e. Animal Antics) Ship Hold Level [*]Donkey Kong Country 3 Mountain Level (i.e. Kong-Fused Cliffs) Pipe Level Tree Level (i.e. Ripsaw Rampage) Factory Level [*]Plok Boss battle (i.e. Bobbins Bros., Womack Spider, etc.) Beach Creepy Crag Cavern (The level after Creepy Crag I believe...) Fleapit Plok's House [*]GoldenEye 007 Antenna Cradle Train Silo Aztec Temple Egyptian Temple Streets Surface 1 Bunker 2 Depot Nearly all of the "X" versions of the musics are good... Pause screen a.k.a "007 Watch Theme" [*]Perfect Dark Alien Conflict Main Menu dataDyne Central: Extraction Area 51: Escape Deep Sea: Nullify Threat (there is an official remix of this I've only heard in USF format which is decent...) Nearly all of the "X" versions of the musics are good... [*]Turok 2 : Seeds of Evil The Death Marshes Lair of the Blind Ones Hive of the Mantids [*]Star Fox 64 Final Battle with Andross (i.e. The brain, not the face) Sector X Macbeth / Titania Area 6 Bolse Warp Zone StarWolf's Theme [*]Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Forest Temple Mid-Boss battle Dinosaur Boss Battle (The boss in Dodongo's Cavern has different music than the other bosses) Chamber of Sages / Temple of Time / Legend of Hyrule (They're basically the same...) Inside Gannon's Castle (This is where Gannon is playing the piano, this is also in Zelda 3 done without piano) 1st Battle with Gannon 2nd Battle with Gannon Shadow Temple Zora's Domain Potion Shop [*]Paper Mario Huffin' And Puffin' (Battle with Huff N Puff) King of the Koopas (Final Battle) [*]Doom E1M8 [*]Doom 2 Map 32 [*]Doom 64 Into The Void (I think this was used on other maps as well)
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