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  • Real Name
    Joshu Skowronek

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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
    Drum Programming
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm

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  1. the highs/mid highs are just too much. hihats etc. this sonic mix works better though than the other more metal one. less compressed etc. yeah, my $100 backup speakers just aren't as good as i previously thought. thanks for the encouraging comments though!! and thanks hemo for the headsup regarding brass and breath; i think about that stuff too little. not that it HAS to be realistic that way necessarily, but it's a good thing to consider. now i only gotta make this project file work over here....because while my speakers are much better now, the PC i got here is a netbook with 4 GB RAM. i might be able to barely make this work.
  2. hi pixelseph! to spare you some work: listening to this on my good speakers (back home from vacation), i can see it's pretty jarring. i like this one for its creative choices, but the mix ain't there yet, and the arrangement is also gonna be some work. so don't worry, i don't need detailed feedback regarding mixing because i can hear it myself now. yeah but the potential is there. what an awesome source as well!
  3. i'm back home, and this sounds good on my KRK's. i think the judges should like the mixery. idk. not my forte but sounds good to me. the arrangement seems alright, but somewhat meandering. maybe what i call "meandering" after first listen is exactly what you wanted to achieve here. the crescendo in dissonance 3:30 onwards seems pretty cool, and maybe a vague nod to the generally adventurous spirit of yuzo's SOR music! from your comments it seems you're a big fan of the OST and a lotta thought went into the mix...probly lotsa stuff i cannot appreciate after first listen. i love the SoR stuff but i don't know it extremely well, and i'm no elektro musik expört either. i would have to listen to this atleast 10 times and see if your arrangement grows on me. lotsa good electro musik is what you'd call "meandering", but it does have to grow on ya don't it. maybe i will over the next week! cheerz! and thanks for reminding me of SoR! i'm looking for stuff to remiks, and especially SoR II has some bangers i might tackle someday if i feel very confident!
  4. yeah, i think the vocals stuff is generally among the least problematic regarding A.I. use. just my 2 c. btw...i didn't even think of the obvious in my last post... a screenshot of the arrangement window of your sequencer is pretty decent proof that you atleast put some level of work into your remix. it doesn't say anything about where the MIDI data came from, of course. that could always be (partly) A.I. generated. but if a mix from a newcomer seems sus, asking for a screenshot of the project would be one means of clarification...atleast somewhat.
  5. eh, providing that AI will get good fast at writing at least very serviceable remixes...isn't it all based on good faith at this point, anyway? the essay or info bit would be more of an outlet for the artist to be honest and simultaneously highlight why they think this creative M.O. was interesting in their mind. i think if you allow the use of AI, it's good to at the very least encourage honest disclosure about the particular use. even if someone *hacks* the judges panel with an almost purely A.I. created remix (and maybe an equally A.I. created faux essay detailing the use of A.I.), they could still disclose it later on in the remix comments... "hhahaha gotcha!" then it's funny atleast. i think we oughta be focused on people who care about creativity period...setting up some punkbuster-like anti-cheat system seems futile. (of course, you could employ an A.I. to punkbust mixes that are likely created by A.I., but that would seem a very elon musk solution. can't beat em, join em :D)
  6. so in the end, the A.I. assisted piece would be justified by an essay by the artist detailing the creative input process. (and it being a good piece.) right? but it's still zukunftsmusik at this point as we say in german. i think a flat out anti-AI-policy is the right step until we get a better grasp of the creative potential of future tools.
  7. i don't think it's that - i think the plugin just hasn't been tested well on FL. i should write the dev a letter, really. the whole plugin is a bit wonky in FL - like, the for the included presets in ML drums, half of them load with a badly distorted kick drum. when i load the kick drums myself in my own presets, all plays fine. i can use it fine right now if i just record the master with edison, the sampler, in FL... i think the finnish dude who made it needs a few bug reports from FL studio users.
  8. i tried that one out after reading about it in your post, and it's quite good. it has a rather hifi sound that works well in contrast with the age old vanilla addictive drums 1 that i still use. i got the basic drum expansion plus the grit and yamz pack. so, 90 bucks for a lot of possible combinations. these aren't the most articulate and fine grained dynamic drums, the packs are pretty small (just 300 mb on the grit drums e.g.). old AD1 has way more dynamic range for subtle ghost hits and stuff. but they sound plain good, and are suitable for harder hitting rock/metal stuff that AD1 vanilla doesn't do well. so between the two, i feel i got all the drums i need now! it does seem though like ML Drums is crashing FL Studio when you try to export audio with it. that's pretty bad :P
  9. hm, lotsa bots frequenting OCR these days huh? the thread view has gone to over 300, but only 23 soundcloud listens. any opinions? i've found that i'll ditch or re-write the intro (less metal from the start). it's gotta be 4:30 or 5 minutes long in the end...still some work. kinda worn out on it now, but i'll pick it back up. i hope :) i think there's high potential to do more interesting funk/metal fusion stuff.
  10. i've recently downloaded zxtune on android, and it has similar functionality. i've found lots of cool japanese arcade game osts on obscure FM synth chips since. just by randomly going through the archives while taking a walk. basically stuff that's reminiscent of the streets of rage sound. i haven't had a cellphone for a while, but i borrowed this fat clunky one from my dad that he bought specifically for watching youtube. it has this big integrated loudspeaker. it's perfect for blasting your vicinity with blaring chiptunes XD i can see myself annoying a lot of folks when i go travelling in the summer, hehe. going on walks with an app like this is perfect for finding new interesting OSTs. when i'm at home, i tend to only listen to the old stuff i know already, if at all. and i agree, these apps are great, it's like digging for gold nuggets. there's so much trash in these archives, but when you find a nugget it's so fun. it goes for game OSTs as well as chip musician archives. there should be a random radio play feature in there. something that randomly draws the next tune from the big archive lists.
  11. whew. i've been working on this for a while. much harder than the sonic mix from last month. i had to pick something for my 2nd remix attempt that's somewhat beyond my current skill level. not that i HAD to but i did. maybe i work that way. i can't remember. ;) where i'm doing music rn, there's this nasty resonance in the room and furniture and stuff whenever i play a low C. mix sounds pretty good to me on headphones, but i can't trust the speakers too much. so tell me about the sound if you can. i'm inexperienced with the harder rock mixing stuff, still. but pretty damn psyched where this could go!! this might be my fav tune from any sonic game, period! and i've found it notoriously hard to arrange well (tried several times over the last 20 years!) give the OG a listen; to me it's one of the best 8bit tunes out there. listen to the transposition +3 semitones at 0:38; i love that part. it works so effort- and seamlessly in 8bit, but i found it really hard to do well in an arrangement. because i couldn't get it right, i used the stage intro jingle that sonic 2 has to segueway into it, at 2:10 in my remix (same thing the mix intros with. probly gonna change the intro.) anyway....i think i'm halfway there roundabouts... might be a lotta work still or very little, can't say. also depends on how crazy the finale is gonna be. the stuff 2:10 onwards basically feels more like finale already, so maybe i will re-use it later on and go a little lower energy before. as i said, beyond my current level, so i'm trial&error-patchworking a lot. tell me what you think. too disjointed?? <3 nase!! (i am psyched ;D)
  12. genny has everything AND if you use FL you can use it as a native FL plugin. means you can use the pitch notes and stuff! i bought rym2612 as well, but then i found genny and....felt a bit stupid tbh :S especially cause i am an FL user and you never see that, someone releasing a free 3rd party plugin in FL format. it's really good! has the PSG as well. also has the drum/sample channel! and it uses NO cpu and i dig the interface more and and and. multitimbral one instance full genesis. it could be that the sound of the inphonik one is a bit better? i think genny just uses the sound engine of some well known genesis emulator. sounds good to me anyway. edit: yknow, i feel stupid now...basically i think people should just use what they love or what grows on them. but well...i was really blown away by genny. what can i say. especially amazing for FL users, as i said. ok, enough :)
  13. what are you using? i wanna do Blackened now :) i have GennyFL, still pretty lazy with it. eventually i would like to learn how to do a solid hard rock sound like Comix Zone, but automate the parameters in a way that makes it sound like real guitar intonation. that would be like holy grail. you know, like wails, feedback, string muting, pinch harmonics etcetc....i reckon really advanced stuff is possible with loads of effort.
  14. hey, virt must know; on the other hand: if you played a lot of one man game projects released on e.g. iOS, i'm sure you've heard the odd free tune appearing in games over and over. a lot of them are....pretty iffy :P honestly, i'd get a kick out of hearing some tunes of mine in different amateur-ish games, and seeing how they're being used. it's kind of remix culture in its own way. and one could easily make something catchy, or with a bit more personality than a lot of these creative commons oldies, or whatever license they use. like, making something kinda generic, but with some twists and a certain trademark sound. in all likeliness your stuff won't be used for ages, and then at age 50 you suddenly find a little amateur game using a 15 year old tune of yours. it's just a cool idea.
  15. very good. i haven't kept track with how advanced the publically available music a.i. stuff is compared to the text and visual stuff...and i really don't wanna. getting back into music making is freaking hard enough as it is :D i wanna take my stand against a.i. in my own little way...i have to believe that the value of making music lies in the process, not the results. the personal relationship you form with the notes and sounds while making music. got a lot to learn until i can completely embody that stance; honestly a large part of me has always been very results oriented, kinda greedy that way. we artists have to prepare for 'spiritual war' in that sense; like, fuck it, we're doing it live. but nothing against folks who wanna use a.i. in a creative fashion. not for me. idk, i might cave in for deep fake vocals at some point...as long as i write the notes and lyrics myself. basically, as long as i feel like i am doing the damn thing, more than the machine. like, give me a vocal model of freddy mercury or rob halford or celine dion, and give me all the fine grained controls to make em totally glitch out when i want to.
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