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  • Location
    United Kingdom
  • Occupation
    Freelance Composer, Orchestrator/Arranger, Conductor
  • Interests
    I practise Kendo, Iaido and Kyudo, and I like to keep fit and exercise regularly, I play Golf and Darts and I’m also a Go enthusiast and Craftsman!


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  • Collaboration Status
    3. Very Interested
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Piano, Keyboard

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  1. Hey everybody! Howz everybody doing? I've been working on some big projects as of late and haven't had much time to post here. One of them was my first original composition for Orchestra. I've been composing since 2001, but my music has only been for my own instrument (The Organ), Piano, Choir, or Chamber ensembles (not counting my videogame music arrangements). I decided to compose this piece in November, and completed it in late April. The Moon, and/or Moonlight has often been an inspiration for music: Beethoven's Moonlight Piano Sonata, Debussy's Clair de Lune, Dvorak's Song to the Moon from his Opera Rusalka, to name but a few. So I decided to write something in that vein, and have since completed it and made the video for it. The piece is in three parts: After an ambiguous, ethereal opening, the Romance begins proper. An Oboe d'Amour plays a melody; the central piece of the whole composition, with Orchestral accompaniment. After a brief Horn solo, the music melts into the second section: A Violin and Piano duet, again echoing the original melody, before building up to full orchestra. The Piano helps transition into the third and most active part of the work, culminating in a massive rendition of the Plainsong Chant Divinum Mysterium, before the Orchestra slowly warms down to a serene conclusion, punctuated by a descending melody which begins the piece in the introduction. The piece is going to be premiered on YouTube on June 30th at 21:00 UK time (16:00 EST), and the link to the premiere is below. See you all there! Premiere of A Moonlight Romance, Op.17
  2. Hey everybody, To celebrate the life and work of the great Akira Toriyama, here is a Piano Arrangement of the Bridal Waltz arrangement I made from Dragon Quest V. Enjoy!
  3. HI everybody! Please check out the newest arrangement of mine on YouTube: Birabuto Bacchanale from Super Mario Land. I wrote this one with an idea of Rimsky Korsakov's Sheherazade Suite, and the result I'm actually quite happy with!
  4. Hey everyone! As 2023 was the 20th Anniversary of Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, here is a special piece I arranged to celebrate! Outset Idyll, like the Skyloft Arrangement, it's a pastoral piece to glorify the natural environment of Hyrule! Enjoy! P.S - Yes, that IS the Wind Waker I'm using in the vid!
  5. Wishing you all a very Happy Christmas! Here is the latest composition: Every year, I compose a new Carol, and last year, I wrote this Carol, "Benedicamus Domino", words by Rev. C.L. Hutchins. I'd like to thank everyone who took part in the making of this Video; the singers and the musicians who rendered the organ music through a sample set.
  6. Hi everyone! Here's the newest arrangement uploaded to YouTube: an orchestral arrangement of Ballad of the Goddess from The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Enjoy!
  7. Hi everyone! Here's the newest arrangement uploaded to YouTube! Ravana's Battle Music from Final Fantasy XIV! Enjoy!
  8. Hi everyone! I don't usually post here, just in the remixes sub-forum when I make a new arrangement. But I want to share the news of a new piece I'm going to Premiere on YouTube this Sunday. It's a four-movement Serenade for String Orchestra which I have recently completed. I have been wanting to write one for some time now, and after hearing the Serenades by Elgar, Dvorak, and Tchaikovsky, as well as other String Ensemble pieces such as Grieg's Hohlberg Suite, Parry's Lady Radnor Suite, and Holst's St. Paul Suites, I decided now was an opportune time to write one. I have managed to complete the music, and create the video. It's been uploaded to YouTube, and the link to the video is here: https://youtu.be/0PbFZCP9Avc The premiere will begin on Sunday 13th August at 8PM UK time, 3PM EST, Midday California time, depending on where you are ? There is also a FB event set up, the link to which is here: https://www.facebook.com/events/183569654617778 If anyone wants to share, then by all means do so: Really looking forward to seeing you guys there if you go
  9. Hi everybody! Here is the newest arrangement, it's Skyloft from Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, in a full-scale arrangement, written to capture the pastoral, peaceful nature of Skyloft! Enjoy!
  10. Hi everyone! Here's the latest upload to YouTube, the Bridal Waltz from Dragon Quest V! Enjoy!
  11. Hi everyone! Happy New Year! Here's the newest arrangement I've uploaded to YouTube, it's a slightly developed and re-orchestrated arrangement of the Staff Roll from The Legend of Zelda - Skyward Sword Enjoy!
  12. Hi everybody! I thought I'd share an original composition here for once. Every year, I write a Festive/Christmas piece, and this year, I chose the verse-and-refrain poem Benedicamus Domino by Rev. Charles Lewis Hutchins, and by paying attention to the text and fitting the atmosphere of the piece with the poem, I was quite pleased with the results. Christmas Carols have always been a favourite part of Christmas to me, and I love the sound of a Church or Cathedral Choir singing a familiar or new piece; Festive Carols are something I love and a new composition that other groups and Choirs could sing is something I put my hand to every year. Enjoy!
  13. Hi everyone! Here's the newest arrangement - a Piano version of TEC's Waltz from Paper Mario - Thousand Year Door! It's the part where TEC, the computer, creates a clone of Peach for Peach to dance with, in an attempt to dance with Peach. The music has a melancholy atmosphere which I feel reflects TEC's unrequited desire to dance with Peach literally, and I wanted to capture that forlornness in a Chopinesque-style Waltz, modelled loosely on his Nocturne in E flat, Op.9, no.2.
  14. Hi everyone! Here's the newest arrangement - Hyrule Castle from Breath of the Wild, with some other familiar Zelda melodies associated with it thrown in. Enjoy!
  15. Which DAW would you reccommend?? I've been told Cubase, but would it work with something like Albion One or EastWest??
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